- Spring Break gave us a chance to head back to OK for a few days and it was lovely! I got to meet 3 cute babies while I was there: Miss Brynlee and Josiah and Garret! Just precious. Moms (and Dads) should be so proud! :)
- Easter with new and dear friends (see last post)
- HersheyPark adventures with Damon and Adam. It was a full day of nothing but riding roller coasters! Oh, and attempting to eat a bucket of fries, listening to Brent scream on the roller coasters, and convincing Damon to make a music video. Fun times were had by all! :)
- Celebrated Brent's 23rd birthday last week! His friends got him a grill! Yessss!
- Felt appreciated during Teacher Appreciation Week with sweet cards and gifts from students and parents. I now hold the lives of 3 potted plants in my hands. I've never actually attempted to care for a plant or flower for a long period of time, so I'll let you know how that goes.
- Finished reading Crazy Love with our lifegroup. This was definitely the most challenging and life-changing book I've ever read. I feel like I've grown in my faith and am more aware of how my actions affect others as I attempt to love them with the same crazy love God has for me. More importantly, I have been challenged to simply live my life in accordance with my love for God. I need to purposefully live each minute, each day with the intent of loving God and loving others. I am so blessed to be part of a lifegroup and church family that strives to show God's love to the community so that they too can feel the hope and love that only Jesus can bring!
- Learning more to pray specifically for God to work in people's lives. It is absolutely amazing how He works for his will to be done in ways that we will never understand, and that's ok with me. I'm glad I'm not in charge and have someone to rely on who knows it all.
- Reminded of the amazing friend I have in Miss Brittany. I am so blessed to have found in her such a beautiful friend, as well as a prayer and accountability partner. I hope everyone has a friend like that!
- So thankful for my husband and how he continues to love and provide, as well as make me laugh every single day. I love that we have been married for almost a year (what??) and I still wake up each day so excited that I just get to hang out with my best friend! Now, if only I could figure out how to beat him at Kinect Sports . . .
Count your blessings today.
Love you all.